
Isometric is a type of graphical projection that is entirely unrealistic. It is a way to visualize tree-dimensionality in objects into a two-dimensional plane, like paper.

I learn the isometric perspective as my first resource in my brief moments in Industrial design at Isthmus in Panamá.

The isometric, for me, is a simple way to explain the entire image and accurately place shadows, almost like a theater or a scene.



miniature people





For my final project in ESDIP, a digital class in Madrid. I presented this illustration build from start to finish digitally.

Even though the characters are a unique characteristic of this drawing, the isometric projection is visibly essential and the base of everything.

I did a series of 9 illustrations presented

 in the school and on social media as a graduation project.

Always a pleasure to get to draw food.




el humedal mas grande de Panama

I worked with Cine Animal, a video producer in Panama, very close to my heart. This project asked for an isometric because it was a large area we wanted to explain. The process was enjoyable because I got a 3D-printed version of the room with information about the Earth online. Then I reproduced the area to imply some volumes, and once the site was marked, I zoomed in for us to see the humid regions.

This is the map of Panama, and the detailed part is Matu-Sagara-ti talks about the conjunction of the rivers and the sea.

Matusagarati passes through two seasons, humid and dry. The humid parts are where you can see the moist areas of the swamp.

The dry season keeps the natural cycle of the humid area; the Humid water area keeps the ecosystem going until the rainy season comes.



We are all GAIA

A multimedia project with Casa E, in which the character, Gaia, have a dream. In this experimental teather project the character is all of us, so we represented as a woman in this illustration piece, that was the final product on top and the sketches bottom.



Madrid, Calle de San Vicente Ferrer

This was my student apartment, a one-room apartment with everything I needed. There I live with Charlie Manolo, my first betta fish.

I've been a long time ago out of this apartment, and I only live there for a year, at the end of 2018 and 2019.

It was a critical year in Madrid because Clementina, Dalia, Lucero, y Sofia were created in that space. This place will always live with me, but seeing it now and then warms my heart.


These are ideas from my old work. It is where I am comfortable returning and moving forward with aligned working opportunities.

Open call for collaborations and commissions open.