privacy policy
I try to collect the minimum amount of data myself and store it for the minimally needed time. The data that I collect and store has the only purpose of delivering you the best work possible and correctly and legally to the right place.
I will handle any data you send me with responsibility and care. Furthermore, it will be kept as secure and confidential as I can and only as long as it’s required for its intended purpose, may that be an ongoing business activity or a legal requirement.
I use only current and securely configured hardware and software to handle customer and business data. All data is regularly backed up to an encrypted local storage media to avoid loss or corruption.
You also have the right to know where and why your personal data is stored and can get it corrected or removed, so if you want me to tell you what data I have of you and why or want it corrected or deleted, feel free to contact me at any time:
For further information or if you can not resolve your issue with me, you can contact the responsible authority, the “Datenschutzbeauftragter des Kantons Basel-Stadt”:
I use the following third-party services for the needed hosting of this website and communication with my customers:
- GitLab Pages
This website is hosted at GitLab Pages (static website hosting).
The data the computer program (browser) you are using to access my website sends to the web server will be collected by the third party I use to power and host this website for the purpose of operating their service.
It is a static website without any analytics, cookies, forms, or other extra possibilities to transmit data, which leaves your IP address and the data your browser attaches to the requests to be transmitted.
I have no access to this data.
More details about GitLab’s privacy policy can be found here:
- Google Workspace
I use Google Workspace with data storage in the European region to communicate with my customers and business partners.
More details about Google’s privacy policy can be found here:
If you have any more questions or doubts, please get in touch with me:
You can find more details about the legal basics of the protection of personal data and your rights regarding your data on the following pages:
Swiss data protection law:
EU data protection law: